During development

Once Girder is started via girder-server, the server will reload itself whenever a server source file is modified. If you are doing front-end development, it’s much faster to use a watch process to perform automatic fast rebuilds of your code whenever you make changes to source files.

If you are front-end development of Slicer package manager plugin, use:

$ girder build --watch-plugin slicer_package_manager

Server side development

See the Server Development documentation to know more about the good development practise in Girder

Client side development

See the Client Development documentation to know more about the good development practise in Girder

Python client development

The development of the Slicer Package Manager Client is in Python, and it uses ruff for code style validation.

The python client use click, a command line library for Python.


Tests are the base of software development, they meant to check if what you’ve expected is really happening and find issues you didn’t even think about. There are few thing you should know about test within the Slicer Package Manager.

Server Side Testing

As part of Girder, server test are done using pytest. Let’s read the server test documentation to know more about Girder testing.

Python Client Testing

The Python Client use pytest to test its API. It also uses a tool named pytest-vcr to record the server responses and be able to test the client within CircleCI.


Each time the client will change, or the tests, you will have to record the server an other time by running the tests manually. But first, you will have to delete the old records. All the server records should be saved as .yml file into the cassettes folder next to your tests. Delete this folder, and then run the tests again, it should create new records automatically.

To run manually these test run the following command:

$ pytest --tb=long plugin_tests/python_client_tests/test_python_client.py

The CLI is also briefly tested using a shell script. To see an example let’s take a look at the Source Code

This test is also used within CircleCi.

To run locally this test, from the slicer_package_manager folder run:

$ cd plugin_tests/python_client_tests
$ ./slicer_extension_manager_client_test.sh

It will run some of the commands available with the slicer_package_manager_client, check if the upload and the download works and then delete everything.

This script could be take as a good example of using the Commands shell (CLI).

CircleCI tests

In the CircleCI configuration file, there are several test going on:

Regenerate Documentation Locally

When developing new feature it’s very important to add some documentation to explain the community what is it and how to use it. The Slicer Package Manager Documentation is build thanks to Sphinx, an open source documentation generator.

Here is some tools very useful to rapidly see what is result of your documentation.

In the slicer_package_manager/docs directory, just run:

$ make docs

This will automatically create the API documentation for you and open a web browser tab to visualize the documentation. If you don’t want to open a new tab and just rebuild the documentation run:

$ make docs-only

Docker containers

Docker containers allow an easy use and setup of the Slicer Package Manager. There are 3 different containers that communique between themselves.

  • The application container

    It contains both the Girder application with the Slicer Package Manager plugin enabled.

  • The database container

    This one contains the MongoDB instance that allow the Girder and the Slicer Package Manager to store all the data as Applications, Releases, Application or Extension packages.

  • The provisioning container

    This container is special, it is only used once both the Girder server and the Mongo server are running and connected to each other. It is meant to handle the server configuration and make the use of the Slicer Package Manager much easier. By doing that it enables the Slicer Package Manager plugin within Girder, create the first admin user, and set up the assetstore used to store the binary files (In fact the DB only store reference to these files, the real data are stored on your own machine in this assetstore).