Commands shell (CLI)


The command slicer_package_manager_client allows to to interact with a Slicer Package Manager server.

There are 5 different subcommands that can be used to manage data:

  • app command to create, list and delete applications.

  • release command to create, list and delete releases.

  • draft command to list and delete draft releases.

  • package command to upload, download or just list application packages.

  • extension command to upload, download or just list extensions packages.


To run command requiring higher privileges, you will have to authenticate.


Install with:

$ pip install slicer-package-manager-client


$ git clone
$ cd slicer_package_manager/python_client
$ pip install -e .

for development.



There are few solutions to authenticate on your Girder instance when using the client:

  • Using your login and your password:

    $ slicer_package_manager_client --username admin --password adminadmin
  • Generating an API-KEY see the documentation for more details:

    $ slicer_package_manager_client --api-key EKTb15LjqD4Q7jJuAVPuUSuW8N7s3dmuAekpRGLD

or by using the GIRDER_API_KEY environment variable:

$ export GIRDER_API_KEY=EKTb15LjqD4Q7jJuAVPuUSuW8N7s3dmuAekpRGLD


The API-KEY is given as an example, follow the documentation on api-key to create your own.


If you want to use the client to an external Slicer package manager instance, you will need to provide the API url by adding the option:


(The IP is given as an example)

Then you can start using the API that allow you to easily create applications, manage releases, upload and download packages, see Commands shell (CLI) documentation for more details.

Bash completion

To use the Bash completion feature you just have to run the following command each time you use a new terminal:

$ eval "$(_SLICER_PACKAGE_MANAGER_CLIENT_COMPLETE=source slicer_package_manager_client)"

Or you can add it on your .bashrc file to always have this feature available.

Custom application collection

In each command, the optional parameter coll_id allow to use the Slicer Package Manager Client within an existing collection and not in the default Applications collection.

When this is the case, to avoid repeating this parameter in each command it’s also possible to set an environment variable named COLLECTION_ID.



Use slicer_package_manager_client app to create, list and delete applications.

Create & Initialized a new application

You can either choose an existing collection by providing coll_id or create a specific one by providing coll_name. If none of this optional parameters are provided, the default collection Application will be got or created if it doesn’t exist yet. This function will also create a top level folder named packages organizing the different application in the collection.

slicer_package_manager_client app create NAME [OPTIONS]


  • NAME - The name of the new application


  • --desc - The description of the new application

  • --coll_id - ID of an existing collection

  • --coll_name - The name of the new collection

  • --coll_desc - The description of the new collection

  • --public - Whether the collection should be publicly visible

List all the application within a collection

By providing coll_id, you are able to list all the applications from a specific collection. By default it will list the applications within the collection Applications.

slicer_package_manager_client app list

Delete an application

slicer_package_manager_client app delete NAME


  • NAME - The name of the application which will be deleted

  • --coll_id - ID of an existing collection


Use slicer_package_manager_client release to create, list and delete releases.

Create a new release

slicer_package_manager_client release create APP_NAME NAME REVISION [OPTIONS]


  • APP_NAME - The name of the application

  • NAME - The name of the new release

  • REVISION - The revision of the application corresponding to this release


  • --coll_id - ID of an existing collection

  • --desc - The description of the new application

List all the release from an application

slicer_package_manager_client release list APP_NAME


  • APP_NAME - The name of the application


  • --coll_id - ID of an existing collection

Delete a release

slicer_package_manager_client release delete APP_NAME NAME


  • APP_NAME - The name of the application

  • NAME - The name of the release which will be deleted


  • --coll_id - ID of an existing collection


Use slicer_package_manager_client draft to list and delete draft releases.

List all the draft release within an application

Provide revision will list only one draft release corresponding to the revision store as metadata. The --offset option allow to list only the older draft release.

slicer_package_manager_client draft list APP_NAME [OPTIONS]


  • APP_NAME - The name of the application


  • --revision - The revision of a draft release

  • --offset - The offset to list only the older draft release

  • --coll_id - ID of an existing collection

Delete a specific draft release

slicer_package_manager_client draft delete APP_NAME REVISION [OPTIONS]


  • APP_NAME - The name of the application

  • REVISION - The revision of the draft release


  • --coll_id - ID of an existing collection


Use slicer_package_manager_client package to upload, download or just list application packages.

Upload a new application package

Give the FILE_PATH argument to be able to upload an application package. The application package will automatically be added to the release which has the same revision than the --revision value. If any release correspond to the given revision, the application package will be uploaded in the draft release, by default.

The final name of the application package will depend of the applicationPackageNameTemplate set as metadata on the application folder. The default name is {baseName}_{arch}_{os}_{revision}. It can be change at any time on the application setting page.

The --pre_release option is used to specify if the uploaded package is ready for distribution or if it needs extra steps before that. In some cases, the package needs to be signed and then re-uploaded on the server.

slicer_package_manager_client package upload APP_NAME FILE_PATH [OPTIONS]


  • APP_NAME - The name of the application

  • FILE_PATH - The path to the application package file to upload


  • --os - The target operating system of the package

  • --arch - Architecture that is supported by the application package

  • --name - The basename of the new application package

  • --repo_type - The repository type of the application package

  • --repo_url - The repository URL of the application package

  • --revision - The revision of the application package

  • --coll_id - ID of an existing collection

  • --pre_release - Boolean to specify if the package is ready to be distributed

  • --desc - The description of the new application

List application packages

Use options to filter the listed application packages. By default, the command will list all the application packages from the ‘draft’ release. It is possible to use the --release option to list the application package from a particular release.

slicer_package_manager_client package list APP_NAME [OPTIONS]


  • APP_NAME - The name of the application


  • --os - The target operating system of the package

  • --arch - Architecture that is supported by the application package

  • --revision - The revision of the application

  • --release - The release within list all the application package

  • --name - Basename of an application package

  • --limit - Limit on the number of listed application package

  • --coll_id - ID of an existing collection

Download an application package

By default the package will be store in the current folder

slicer_package_manager_client package download APP_NAME ID_OR_NAME [OPTIONS]


  • APP_NAME - The name of the application

  • ID_OR_NAME - The ID or name of the application package which will be downloaded


  • --dir_path - Path where will be save the application package after the download

  • --coll_id - ID of an existing collection

Delete an application package

Provide either the ID or the name of the application package to delete it.

slicer_package_manager_client package delete APP_NAME ID_OR_NAME


  • APP_NAME - The name of the application

  • ID_OR_NAME - The ID or name of the application package which will be deleted


  • --coll_id - ID of an existing collection


Use slicer_package_manager_client extension to upload, download or just list extension packages.

Upload a new extension

Give the FILE_PATH argument to be able to upload an extension. The extension will then automatically be added to the release which has the same revision than the --app_revision value. By default, if any release corresponds to the given revision, the extension will be uploaded in the draft folder within the ‘draft’ release which has the given revision as metadata, or create it if it doesn’t exist yet.

The final name of the extension will depend of the extensionPackageNameTemplate set as metadata on the application folder. The default name is {app_revision}_{baseName}_{os}_{arch}_{revision}. It can be change at any time on the application setting page.

slicer_package_manager_client extension upload APP_NAME FILE_PATH [OPTIONS]


  • APP_NAME - The name of the application

  • FILE_PATH - The path to the extension file to upload


  • --os - The target operating system of the package

  • --arch - Architecture that is supported by the extension

  • --name - The basename of the new extension

  • --repo_type - The repository type of the extension

  • --repo_url - The repository URL of the extension

  • --revision - The revision of the extension

  • --app_revision - The revision of the application corresponding to this release

  • --coll_id - ID of an existing collection

  • --desc - The description of the new application

List extensions

Use options to filter the listed extensions. By default, the command will list all the extension from the ‘draft’ release. It is possible to use the --release option to list the extension from a particular release. Or use the flag --all to list all the extension present in the application. It is also possible to get only one extension by providing the --fullname option of an extension.

slicer_package_manager_client extension list APP_NAME [OPTIONS]


  • APP_NAME - The name of the application


  • --os - The target operating system of the package

  • --arch - Architecture that is supported by the extension

  • --app_revision - The revision of the application

  • --release - The release within list all the extension

  • --limit - Limit on the number of listed extension

  • --all - Flag to list all the extension from all the release

  • --fullname - Fullname of an extension

  • --coll_id - ID of an existing collection

Download an extension

slicer_package_manager_client extension download APP_NAME ID_OR_NAME [OPTIONS]


  • APP_NAME - The name of the application

  • ID_OR_NAME - The ID or name of the extension which will be downloaded


  • --dir_path - Path where will be save the extension after the download

  • --coll_id - ID of an existing collection

Delete an extension

Provide either the ID or the name of the extension to delete it.

slicer_package_manager_client extension delete APP_NAME ID_OR_NAME


  • APP_NAME - The name of the application

  • ID_OR_NAME - The ID or name of the extension which will be deleted


  • --coll_id - ID of an existing collection