
The Slicer Package Manager includes a REST API service and CLI built on Girder for downloading, uploading and organizing application and extension packages for both 3D Slicer and 3D Slicer-based applications.

This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 and the source code is available at https://github.com/girder/slicer_package_manager.

In a nutshell:

  • Data model specific to this project is implemented by organizing data using standard Girder constructs (collection, folder and item) and by associating metadata.

  • By default, a top-level collection named Applications is created with a packages folder organizing the different application.

  • Each application folder contain a draft folder where unreleased packages are uploaded and one or multiple release folders (e.g 1.0, 2.0, …).

  • Each release folder contain application packages (installers for the different platforms), and an extensions folder containing a flat list of extension packages.

  • Each extension packages is associated with metadata like application revision, extension revision, operating system and architecture…

The diagram below represents the organization:

   |--- packages
   |        |----- Slicer
   |        |         |----- 1.0
   |        |         |        |---- Slicer-linux.tar.gz
   |        |         |        |---- Slicer-macos.dmg
   |        |         |        |---- Slicer-win.exe
   |        |         |        |---- extensions
   |        |         |        |         |---- Extension1
   |        |         |        |         |---- Extension2
   |        |         |        |         |---- Extension3
   |        |         |        |         |---- Extension4
   .        .         .        .         .
   .        .         .
   |        |         |----- 2.0
   .        .         .        |
   .        .         .
   |        |         |----- draft
   |        |         |        |--- r100
   |        |         |        |      |---- Slicer-linux.tar.gz
   |        |         |        |      |---- Slicer-macos.dmg
   |        |         |        |      |---- Slicer-win.exe
   |        |         |        |      |---- extensions
   |        |         |        |      |          |---- Extension1
   .        .         .        .      .          .
   .        .         .        .
   |        |         |        |--- r101
   .        .         .        .      |
   .        .
   |        |
   |        |------SlicerCustom


  • Slicer and SlicerCustom are Girder items representing Application

  • 1.0 and 2.0 are Girder folders representing Release

  • Slicer-linux.tar.gz and Slicer-macos.dmg are Girder items representing Package (application package)

  • Extension1 and Extension2 are Girder items representing Extension (extension package)