Server Installation

The section below describes a convenient way to setup a server for evaluation purpose.

For production deployment, read more details in the Administrator Documentation section at

Run via Docker

First, install Docker and Docker compose follow the instruction on the official website. The community edition (CE) is sufficient for using this plugin. See and

Then, assuming the sources are available in slicer_package_manager folder, you may run the server running the following commands:

$ cd slicer_package_manager
$ docker-compose up -d


The -d option is running the container in daemon mode. Remove it to display the logs on the running containers.

To rebuild the container after changing the source code use the --build option when you run the command.


Run the containers can take few moments, the application will not be ready instantly.

The Girder application should then be running at http://localhost:8080/ and be already setup:

  • Creation of an Admin User (username: admin, password: adminadmin)

  • Creation of a local Assetstore (in ~/slicer_package_manager/assetstore), let’s read the Filesystem documentation for more detail about it


You will have the possibility to create more users and/or change the password of the Admin User via the Girder UI.